Open Vessel Definition Logo

The industry’s first open source, community-extendable format for container vessel definitions.

At TEDIVO, innovation and collaboration go hand-in-hand. That’s why we created the industry’s first open source, community-extendable format for storing vessel definitions. We made it publicly available so others can access the information and contribute to its development.

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Open Source Graphic
JSON Graphic

Why choose JSON?

JSON is a lightweight, easy-to-read format that is widely used in web applications and APIs. By storing vessel definitions in JSON, we've made it easy for developers to integrate our format into their own systems, without the need for proprietary software.

How it works

Our open source repository on GitHub allows other developers to access our format, and contribute to its development. If additional information is needed to satisfy system requirements outside TEDIVO, we can integrate those changes into the format using normal fork and pull request methods.

Git branching Graphic
Industry Standard Graphic

Industry Standards

Open source standards are the future of the maritime logistics, and our commitment to collaboration extends to any organization in the industry. By adopting open source standards for vessel definitions, we can improve interoperability between systems and empower new levels of innovation.

Get Involved

If you're a developer or industry professional interested in open source standards for vessel definitions, we invite you to join our GitHub repository and contribute to the development of the format. Together, we can create a more open and collaborative future for the maritime industry.

Coding Graphic